
Thursday, May 2, 2013

EB-5 visa fraud: Should EB-5 visa seekers pay the price for the negligence and fraudulent conduct of immigration attorneys and visa consultants?

Anshoo Sethi's ACCC, Del Monte, New Orleans, South Dakota, etc. are recent examples of regional centers where EB-5 visa seekers invested funds only after being told by immigration attorneys and visa consultants that they (the attorneys and consultants) had done due diligence on the regional centers, and that the regional centers were safe to invest in. These attorneys and consultants had actually charged fees to provide professional advice and do due diligence.

What is clear is that the due diligence was in fact grossly inadequate and certainly unprofessional, and in most cases the advice rendered by these consultants can be easily termed negligent and fraudulent.

Here are the reasons that the advice rendered by these consultants and attorneys is negligent and incompetent:

1) They failed to advise EB-5 visa seekers that these regional centers were illegally offering and selling securities overseas.
2) They failed to advise EB-5 visa seekers that these regional centers were engaging in conflict of interest.
3) They failed to advise EB-5 visa seekers that these regional centers were committing securities fraud by failing to fully and truthfully disclosing all material facts.
4) They failed to advise EB-5 visa seekers that approval times for regional centers were far longer than those for Direct Investment Businesses.
5) They failed to advise EB-5 visa seekers if they received any remuneration from regional centers, and if so, how much?

Now that we've established HOW the attorneys and consultants were grossly negligent at the very best, and probably engaged in fraudulent conduct, EB-5 visa seekers should ask 1 simple question:
Should EB-5 visa seekers pay the price for the negligence and fraudulent conduct of these immigration attorneys and visa consultants, or are they entitled to a full refund of their fees and damages for the loss of time and money suffered by EB-5 visa seekers due to the faulty due diligence and misleading advice furnished to them?

EB-5 visa seekers should remember that regional centers are engaged in securities fraud, securities law violations and conflict of interest, and they squander the EB-5 visa seekers' funds instead of fully deploying them in a business to generate income.

EB-5 visa seekers  should remember that the safest, easiest and fastest way to get their EB-5 visa is through Direct Investment Businesses, and we've helped 48 investors successfully obtain their EB-5 visas, with a track record of 100% approval, and none of our clients have suffered capital losses or earned NOI less than 15% annually.

Yours truly
Mohammed Shaikh, MBA, CFE, Licensed Business & RE Broker (CA & FL)
Phone: + 1 407 535 0616

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